Best Prank Ever: Guy Blasted 50 Meters Through the Roof As He Wakes Up

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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The morning after a night of partying is the worst. Most people take a while to recover before they come to their senses when they’re hungover, but Japanese comedian Toshiaki Kasuga had no choice but to awaken from his drunken stupor immediately. People from the prank show purposely got him drunk the night before and strapped him into the bed in preparation for the prank.

Not only was he suddenly exposed to bright fireworks and the great outdoors, but his rude awakening comprised of him being strapped onto a bed and flung out fifty meters through the roof at the base of Mt. Fuji!

Hit the break for a clip of the prank in its entirety!

I could think of a hundred and one things that could’ve gone wrong. Japan’s prank shows really do the craziest, darndest things!

VIA [ Geekologie ]

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