BioKnob, A Biometric Doorknob.

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By David Ponce

It’s not the first biometric door locking system I’ve come across. It’s not particularly revolutionary or anything, but if you’re in the market for keyless home entry, then perhaps you should give TychiSystems a look. They make a mean knob.

The BioKnob? is an advance-technology biometric door lock shaped like an elegant doorknob. At the center of the outside knob is a tiny sensor that registers the pattern of users’ thumb or fingerprints. Up to 100 users can have their fingerprints enrolled in the BioKnob for entry. Unobtrusive buttons and a small display allow all programming and settings to be done at the lock with no external wiring or computer needed.

Look and look as I may, I couldn’t find a price.

[The BioKnob] VIA [Gadget Review]

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