Blancier Worldtimer 1 Covers All Time Zones

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Blancier Worldtimer 1 (Image courtesy Blancier)By Andrew Liszewski

While there are plenty of ‘world time’ watches on the market Blancier feels their Worldtimer 1 model is the only mechanical timepiece to accurately display the time in all thirty-nine time zones. This includes those zones that only differ by half hour increments which watchmakers have typically ignored to make things easier.

The most important part of the Worldtimer 1 was the development of the polar projection map of the Earth which sits behind the watch hands and actually rotates 360 degrees around the hand axis every 24 hours. It’s based on an 18th century Lambert projection map of the world which had to be carefully converted so that the countries in the Northern Hemisphere weren’t too small and difficult to read when the map was reduced to the size of a watch face.

Not surprisingly this innovation doesn’t come cheap. The Worldtimer 1 runs between $13,450 and $24,225 depending on the finishes you choose. But if you never know what country you’re going to wake up in this could be the perfect watch for you.

[ Blancier Worldtimer 1 ] VIA [ The Red Ferret Journal ]

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