Bluesmart Is The First Connected Smart Luggage

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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If you consider yourself a modern day traveller, you’re really going to want to take a look at Bluesmart. It’s the “world’s first” connected smart luggage, and it actually packs a host of features that have us salivating here at OhGizmo HQ. Check this out:

– TSA-approved lock that can be toggled via the application.
– A proximity sensor will send you a notification if it senses you’re leaving your bag behind.
– A built-in scale in the handle tells you your bag’s weight.
– Location tracking in case of loss (although this is based on the potential proximity of other Bluesmart travellers within range).
– Built-in battery to recharge your electronics (a typical phone up to 6 times over).
– Easy-access front flap to reach your electronic devices within.
– Trip data tracking.

It’s a good looking piece of luggage to boot. The cherry on the icing is that the company isn’t asking for an outrageous sum; the Indiegogo Early Adopter pricing is set at $215 for the moment, and will go up to $235 once that’s over. Delivery is far away, however, with August 2015 slated as the target.

Hit the jump for a bunch of pictures and links.







[ Project Page ] VIA [ Engadget ]

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