BodyGard Emergency Tool

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BodyGard Emergency Tool (Image courtesy ThinkGeek)By Andrew Liszewski

Sure everyone wishes for a white Christmas but as picturesque as falling snow is it can also be extremely dangerous to anyone trying to navigate the roads this time of year. Recent events have made it painfully clear that you need to be prepared for any type of vehicle emergency. While it’s definitely not a catch-all solution this emergency tool keychain from ThinkGeek is a good start.

The BodyGard attaches to your keys so it’s always handy but has a quick pull mechanism for easy access when it’s really needed. It incorporates 5 devices including a spring-loaded automatic glass breaker, a seat belt cutter with a protected blade when not in use, a high-decibel alarm, a flashing red distress light and a bright-white LED flashlight. Hopefully you may never need to use any of those functions but at the least keeping one of these stowed in your glove compartment is not a bad idea.

The BodyGard is currently available from ThinkGeek for $14.99.

[ BodyGard Emergency Tool ] VIA [ The Red Ferret Journal ]

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