Boing Boing Gadgets Reviews The GP2X Wiz

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GPX2 Wiz (Image courtesy BBGadgets)
By Andrew Liszewski

Damn! Rob over at Boing Boing Gadgets posted a review of the ‘new’ GP2X Wiz (pictured on the right) and unfortunately it turns out to be the best portable device for retro video game fans in his opinion. On one hand I’m happy to hear that the AMOLED screen is bright and colorful and that the 533/800MHz processor with hardware-accelerated OpenGL is capable of running most emulators at a near perfect frame rate. (Including Amiga games.) But on the other hand I’ve been hesitant to shell out the $180 for a portable console that will probably never see an official release for a popular modern title, but it looks like I don’t have a choice now.

[ BBGadgets – Review: GPX2 Wiz runs retrogaming rings around mainstream rivals ]

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