Braille Karaoke Allows The Visually Impaired To Sing Along Too

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Braille Karaoka (Images courtesy Nippon Telesoft)
By Andrew Liszewski

Some might feel that the visually impaired actually have an advantage when it comes to karaoke, since not being able to see the lyrics means they don’t have to participate. But not the people at Nippon Telesoft in Japan, where karaoke is an important part of life. They’re now selling a software solution that will allow users of their Seika Version 3 Braille Pin Display to join in on the ‘fun’. It seems to require the use of a laptop computer (which the braille display connects to via USB) and I have to assume the software is compatible with all standard karaoke files. It should be available in Japan this Fall, but there’s no word on whether it will be getting an international release.

[ Braille Karaoke ] VIA [ Gearlog ]

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