Brando Beats Sony To The Punch With An Interchangeable-Lens Camcorder – Sort Of

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Digital Video Camcorder with Telescope (Images courtesy Brando and property of OhGizmo!)
By Andrew Liszewski

At Sony’s NEX-5 & 3 launch event on Tuesday the company also had a mockup camcorder, locked away under glass, that used their new E-mount camera lenses. It was an exciting prospect, but if I remember correctly the reps on hand said it wouldn’t be available until later in the year at the earliest. So if you can’t wait that long, this $99 camcorder from Brando kind of provides the same functionality, with a few trade-offs.

Instead of capturing video at 1080P, it maxes out 640×480, and instead of being able to choose from a growing collection of E-mount lenses, you’re limited to either the cameras 7.45mm fixed lens, or the included telephoto add-on which provides 8x optical zoom. It’s also limited to only capturing video as MP4 files on an SD card, where as the Sony alternative will no doubt support AVCHD to SD or Memory Stick. But again, the important thing is that this camcorder is available now! Junior’s not going to wait to take his first steps until Sony gets their version to the market.

[ Digital Video Camcorder with Telescope ] VIA [ 7Gadgets ]

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