Bricked 360 Becomes The Ultimate Arcade Stick

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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We all know that the 360 is prone to failure. I think that collectively we have had to send in our units a total of 5 times here at GamerFront. Luckily they have all been covered under the extended warranty. But when you have a failure that isn’t covered, what exactly do you do with that old broken console? Sure, you could keep it for spare parts, but what’s the fun in that? A better option would be to mod it into something useful like this guy did.

When you think about it, a bricked 360 makes a perfect arcade stick housing. Physically, it looks good and is plenty durable enough for you. Then of course you have the irony factor that you’re using a $200 machine as an arcade stick. Kudos to Seppun for this kick-ass mod.

[ TechEBlog ] VIA [ GamerFront ]

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