Build Your Own Bike, Laptop… Laundry Machine?!

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The paper bike, cpu and laundry machine!

By Michelle Cheung

Do you know paper craft is popular in Japan? What is paper craft you ask? It’s basically using paper to build intricate three dimensional models. Even companies love this stuff.

Panasonic offers templates for appliances such as old school rice cookers and refrigerators. IBM Japan offers DIY ThinkPad models; the kit comes with LCD display, CPU, keyboard… and several other components.

But I found Yamaha’s most interesting. Beside offering animal templates, they also offer motorcycle models that are very realistic. The all come with detailed parts, just like the real thing. There’s even a garage asscessories models! (tool box, bike rack, gas…)

No wonder they needed the CraftROBO printer.

PS. All the sites are in Japanese. But if you click around, you will see the word “PDF” and that is where the templates and instructions are.

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