Bullets That Curve In Mid-Air? Yep, The Military’s Got That

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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This tech is still in its infancy, but as the video below appears to show, the US military has developed bullets that curve in mid-air. Remember that stupid movie with Angelina Jolie, Wanted? Yeah, it’s like that, only for real this time.

DARPA’s Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance (EXACTO) program recently conducted the first successful live-fire tests demonstrating in-flight guidance of .50-caliber bullets. This video shows EXACTO rounds maneuvering in flight to hit targets that are offset from where the sniper rifle is aimed. EXACTO’s specially designed ammunition and real-time optical guidance system help track and direct projectiles to their targets by compensating for weather, wind, target movement and other factors that could impede successful hits.

The EXACTO program is developing new approaches and advanced capabilities to improve the range and accuracy of sniper systems beyond the current state of the art.

When you’re trying to hit a target nearly a mile away, even the slightest mistake compounds into a huge miss, so this kind of tech is definitely useful. How much it cost to develop and how much of that money could have been used for something far less grim than ending lives… is a discussion best left for another day.

[ DARPA ] VIA [ Engadget ]

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