Buzzy pain Relief System: Distract’Em So It Doesn’t Hurt’Em

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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The Buzzy Pain Relief System pictured above is a vibrating ice pack with a cute bee-like figure on it, just for good measure. See, it’s meant to be used on kids that are about to get some form of potentially painful medical treatment, like an injection. Just hold it against the planned injection site for a few seconds, then move it to some other part of their body while you do the deed. They will feel nothing, or almost nothing. Hundreds of positive reviews back this up, as well as the Buzzy being FDA-approved and award-winning.

. Buzzy is a hand-held device that naturally and quickly minimizes sharp pain from needle sticks like IV starts, blood draws, finger pricks and immunizations, through a combination of vibration, ice and distraction methods. Buzzy combines two pain control theories, the Gate Theory of Pain Control (the vibration) and the Descending Noxious Inhibitory Control (the ice) to confuse the nerves and trick the brain into not feeling the sharp pain. Buzzy helps minimize the drama and trauma that sometimes come with medical visits.

It’s $40 and completely reusable.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ ThisIsWhyImBroke ]

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