Caffeinated Shaving Products Kick Start Your Mornings

Chris Scott Barr Avatar
Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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Can you even absorb caffeine through your skin? We’re not sure, but we’re going to assume you can because otherwise we’re not sure what the point of this product is. Caffeinated Shaving Cream and After Shave from Pacific Shaving Company are two products that claim to help give your morning a bit of a kickstart thanks to the addition of caffeine to their panoply of other moisturizers, antioxidants, and related ingredients. Apparently caffeine will serve as a vasoconstrictor, tightening your blood vessels and helping your skin look smoother a less red. And yeah, they claim caffeine is indeed absorbed through the skin, although we can’t imagine you’ll be able to replace your morning coffee with your shaving routine anytime soon.

Still, something interesting to try, if only because it’s $16 for the set.


[ Product Page ] VIA [ TheAwesomer ]

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