Call Of Duty MW3 Took 16 Days To Reach $1Billion

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By David Ponce

While it might be unfair to compare apples to oranges and gaming franchises to Hollywood movies, that’s what the cool public relations’ companies are doing these days, so let’s roll with it. It took James Cameron’s Avatar 17 days to cross the $1billion milestone and now Activision’s one-upped the man by taking one day less with Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3. We are actually somewhat surprised as we recently reported that it took MW3 just 5 days to cross $775million. Sales tapered off rather quickly as it took another 11 days to add $225million. Still a very impressive figure and a sure sign that the franchise is nowhere near death. With next generation consoles undoubtedly in the making, get ready for many more years of this craziness.

[ Press Release ] VIA [ UberGizmo ]

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