Calling Chocoholics Anonymous: Now You Can Drink Chocolate Stout from this Chocolate Glass

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Chocolate Beer and Glass

Beer and chocolate make for a surprisingly delicious combination. It might not sound very appealing, but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Because once you have, I swear, you’ll be coming back for more. Japanese brewery Sankt Gallen is well aware of this, since they’ve been producing chocolate flavored stout for a while now.

However, they’ve decided to take things a notch further by offering a set that includes a bottle of their best-selling chocolate stout and an edible chocolate glass. Beer and chocolate aficionados are supposed to pour the stout into the glass and enjoy the flavorful drink while taking a few bites of chocolate in between.

Rocket News 24 asserts that the glass could counteract the bitterness of the “ultra-dark beer’ which was brewed “with over twice the ingredients of your average dark beer including roasted ‘chocolate malt.’”

VIA [ Food Beast ]

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