Cover Your Laptop’s Camera, Protect Your Privacy with CameraBadge

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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You never know who’s watching you at any given moment. We’re not talking about strangers or the dude beside you at the coffee shop. Rather, we’re talking about folks who’ve hacked into the camera of your laptop, tablet, or phone.

You can load up more anti-virus programs on your device–and you can get a couple of these CameraBadges for good measure. The CameraBadge is a set of vinyl stickers designed by Etsy maker nilsellis1 that are just the right size to cover the cameras on your mobile devices. They’re available in several designs– Aperture, Analogue, and Cronkite– and they look way better than the usual tape and paper you usually stick over the cameras.



The CameraBadge is available online for $7.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

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