Can The Force Help You Afford This $10,000 R2-D2 Pinball Table/Coffee Table?

Evan Ackerman Avatar
Evan Ackerman Avatar


Key Takeaways


You have to be a serious fan of the franchise to consider dropping 10 large on a coffee table. Sure, it’s decked out to look a lot like R2-D2. And sure, it’s got a fully functional pinball table as its core. And yeah, sure, there’s even a mini slideprojector (picturing R2 in the Death Stars’ sewage), a flashlight, sounds, lighting programs, and a fully functional animated droid on the play field. And ok, yeah, it did take over 320 hours to assemble… But $10,000? Yeah. That’s a heck of a lot for a piece of functional furniture, no matter how cool it looks. Still, if you’re really motivated, it does look like the company, Altar Furniture, will make you one.




[ Product Page ] VIA [ Gizmodo ]

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