Can You Survive a Desert Island?

Hammad Saleem Avatar
Hammad Saleem Avatar


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Every weekday, our friends at Faveable compile a list of awesome gadgets and gear that men would love to discover.


Quick! Name the 10 tracks you’ve always planned on taking with you to that desert island. We’re sure you can do that fairly quickly. And, we’re also sure that most of you imagined paradise (without having to check into the office every day). But, do you really think you can rough desert island style?  Here’s a quick tip from the Faveable team – if you do have time to pick up your music, you might also want to spend a few minutes contemplating stuff you’d need to survive on a remote island by yourself  Hit the link below to know the entire selection by Faveable. Their top pick will even keep you alive (no matter where you are in the world).

Check out: 10 Things Tom Hanks Wish He Had In Cast Away

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