Canoodle Dating Site Sets People Up Based on Their Mutual Facebook ‘Likes’

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Match By Likes

Some people say opposites attract but I think couples with similar interests work just as well. After all, it takes a lot more than common (or uncommon) interests to keep a relationship going. But if you agree with the latter statement that similars attract, then you might be interested in Canoodle, which is the newest dating site on the block that hooks people up based on their Facebook likes.

The goal is to ease the pressure of coming up with a really good profile on users by making matches based on the things they’ve already ‘liked’ on Facebook instead. Communications manager for Cupid, the firm behind Canoodle, explained: “You’ve got your icebreakers there right away. Without having written anything about yourself, you’ve told a lot.”

While ‘liking’ a number of similar Facebook pages might not find you your perfect match straight away, it’s definitely a good start. What do you think?

VIA [ BuzzFeed ]

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