Carbon Credits For Travel

Chris Scott Barr Avatar
Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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By Bruce Eaton

Young Nick Hunter has come up with what could be a truly green idea to solve that perky problem of our transportation spewing out too much carbon dioxide. His Carbon Credits system forces people who have used up their government allotted “carbon credits” to downgrade from say their private car to a more green alternative such as the bus or train. Being government enforced, I assume by law, would force people to either A) ration and monitor their travel or B) get used to riding the train a lot.

Although I am all for the green movement, this has some drawbacks for people who do not live in a city/country outfitted with mass transit. Here in Texas, stuff is so spread out I have to drive two moonfalls just to get to the supermarket. Now if I was forced to use a chuckwagon, well I might as well say goodbye to the wife and kids forever. In Europe or NYC I see this being a good solution to smog and helping out Mother Earth.

[Carbon Credits] VIA [Yanko Design]

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