Card Pen Fits In A Wallet, Reminds You That Pens Still Exist

Christen da Costa Avatar
Christen da Costa Avatar


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Pens are delightfully old school. And yet there are still times when they’re needed, like when you have to sign a check or fill out a customs declaration form. Now, the fundamental trifecta of pocket items includes the following: a wallet, keys, a smartphone. Notice the lack of pens from this group. But with the Card Pen, you can have a clever pen that’s about as thin as a quarter and is small enough to fit in a standard wallet. The ink cartridge is retractable, in a way, and the whole thing is customizable so you can use it as a business card. On Kickstarter now, $15 will get you two blank ones, while $30 will have them engraved.


[ Project Page ] VIA [ OddityMall ]

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