CataCoffin and CataTomb: Take Your Love for Music to the Grave

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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You only live once. So why not make the most of life and enjoy it while you’re still alive? After all, you can’t really take anything with you in the afterlife–not your money, not your house, and certainly not your fancy car. One thing you can take with you, though, is your love for music, all thanks (or no thanks?) to the CataCoffin and the CataTomb.

It’s got such a strange premise that it’s hard to believe that it’s an actual product. The CataCoffin is basically a coffin with a built-in 3-speaker sound system that’s controlled by the CataTomb tombstone on the surface. That way, the people who come visit you can dance on your grave and party while you lie ten feet beneath the ground, slowly decomposing away to the beats of their choice.



This might very well be one of the most expensive parties you’ll ever throw even though you’re already in the afterlife, because the CataCoffin costs a hefty $35,000.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Gizmag ]

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