Catchu Camera Frisbee

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

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Catchu Camera Frisbee (Image courtesy T3 Magazine)
By Andrew Liszewski

Oh inventors! What won’t you attach a camera too these days? Adam Sutcliffe a graduate of the Royal College of Art apparently wondered what it would be like to ride a frisbee in flight. Since physics basically put an end to this dream he figured the next best way to experience it would be to integrate a video camera into a frisbee and record the flight.

The Catchu Camera comes already mounted to the disc and using solid state electronics claims to be able to record 20 minutes of broadcast quality video. Since there are no moving parts the camera should easily survive the occasional missed catch or being hijacked by a random dog at the park. You’ll also notice the frisbee has a cleverly designed vein on top that ensures the camera always points in the direction of flight even while the disc is spinning.

Currently there is no ETA for when you’ll actually be able to buy a Catchu Camera Frisbee but the designer estimates it will cost about ?45 if and when it becomes available.

[Catchu Camera Frisbee at T3 Magazine] VIA [Ployer]

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

3 responses to “Post Title”

  1. Catchu Camera Frisbee…

    Adam Sutcliffe’s imagination has given life to the Catchu Camera Frisbee as he always wondered what it would be like to ride a frisbee in flight. Adam a graduate from the Royal College of Art to bring his dream……

  2. Catchu Frisbee Camera…

    A graduate from Royal College of Art, Adam Sutcliffe designed the Catchu Frisbee Camera, a kind of video camera that can be attached on to a Frisbee to record up to 20 minutes of quality video files. […]


  3. Friscam…

    Altijd al willen weten hoe het voelt om een frisbee te zijn? Dichter in de buurt van vliegen op een frisbee zul je niet komen dan kijken naar de beelden opgenomen met deze frisbeecamera. Het gevoel van ronddraaien met 180……