Cereal Bowl Lamp

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Cereal Bowl Light (Image courtesy Etsy)By Andrew Liszewski

First off as cool as a cereal bowl with built-in LED lighting would be, what you’re looking at here is actually an art piece. Besides casting an eery glow on everything around it the Cereal Bowl Light will also amaze your friends since turning it on is as simple as touching the metal spoon sticking out of the bowl. (This of course requires friends who are technological noobs.)

The lamp uses actual Fruit Loops for the cereal and was created by Wanderlust Designs who has apparently never prepared themselves a bowl of cereal before based on how the bowl is filled. Given the fact it is real cereal you’ll probably want to take extra care with the lamp and keep it out of the reach of pets, toddlers or hungry roommates.

The Cereal Bowl Lamp is available from Etsy for $89.98 and comes in a variety of colors including different blues, pinks, greens and orange but custom orders for color and bowl size can apparently be accommodated.

[ Cereal Bowl Light ] VIA [ Cool Hunting ]

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