By Evan Ackerman
I’ve never played Guitar Hero (shocking, right?), but I play air guitar all the time… Mostly when I’m listening to really loud RATM on the BART. This behavior usually means that nobody sits next to me, which is understandable if it makes me look like the guy in the above pic. Anyway, the Air Guitar Rocker is a portable Guitar Hero system that uses a belt mounted speaker and buckle that you wave a guitar pick in front of, in sync to the music. Get it? No? Just watch the video, from the guys over at Gearlog:
Although you can control the tempo, nothing you do with your left hand is going to have any effect on the notes. The Air Guitar Rocker is going to be available in March for about $30. It’ll come with 10 songs in a swappable cartridge, including Black Sabbath (“Iron Man”), Deep Purple (“Smoke On The Water”), and my personal favorite, Boston (“More Than A Feeling”).