By Evan Ackerman
Thanks to a solid 3 hours spent in line by our esteemed managing editor David, I’ve snagged myself a prime seat at the Microsoft keynote: an aisle seat 5 rows back center. This year’s keynote is being given by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, since (as you may remember) Bill Gates retired from daily operations at Microsoft last year. It’s going to be hard for Steve to top last year, but I’m looking forward to some solid Microsoft info with more than a little pageantry thrown in for good measure.
Now, I have a couple options here… One of them is a play-by-play style liveblog kinda like I did last year. But since the internet here is really freakin’ slow, unless any of you are chomping at the bit to hear the latest news about Windows Media Server a few minutes before everyone else I think I’m going to focus on taking pictures (and video, where appropriate), and then posting all the info after the keynote ends. Sound good?
Stay tuned!