[CES 2011] Mattel Crams A Video Camera Inside A Hot Wheels Car

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Hot Wheels Video Racers (Images property OhGizmo!)
By Andrew Liszewski

Ever wondered what it would be like to ride inside a Hot Wheels car as it raced through loops of orange track? Sadly CES is still devoid of any shrink ray technology, so instead Mattel has gone and crammed a video camera inside their 1:64 scale Hot Wheels vehicles giving you a first-person perspective view of what it would be like to ride in one. Its limited on-board memory can only capture about 12 minutes of VGA-quality video which can be offloaded to your PC via a USB connection, or watched on a tiny LCD display located on the underside of each car. Available sometime in the Fall of this year for $59.99.

[ Mattel Hot Wheels ]

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