[CES 2011] Someone Went To A Lot Of Trouble To Create These Detailed Mini Cooper Flash Drives

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Mini Cooper Flash Drives (Image property OhGizmo!)
By Andrew Liszewski

Are you a fan of the Mini Cooper and moderate levels of flash memory? You’re not alone because a Chinese company has gone to a lot of trouble to license the Mini brand and create surprisingly detailed USB flash drives. The retracting USB port is hidden inside the Mini’s trunk and can extended via a sliding switch on the underside of the vehicle, but besides that these things were surprisingly detailed. And when plugged into your PC the headlights even light up. Available in 1, 2, 4 and 8GB capacities, though I’m not sure if they have a distributor in North America just yet. (There’s a reason they were at CES after all.)

[ Mini Cooper Flash Drives ]

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