Phantom makes a pretty awesome line of high-speed cameras. The details these reveal about movements that are usually too quick for the eye to see are just incredible, and when the subjects are creatures as majestic as cheetahs, the resulting footage is simply jaw dropping. National Geographic recently went to the Cincinnati Zoo to capture the feline doing what it does best: run. The production ended up being one of the most sophisticated the crew had worked on, including several cameras rolling on a track-mounted dolly capable of reaching 60mph. A rotating cast of 5 cats were coaxed into short sprints by what looks like a ball of yarn on s string. Cute. They were shooting at 1,200 frames per second, and the video, included below, is simply a masterpiece. Totally worth checking out.

If you’re curious about how it was done, hit the jump for a video of that.

[ National Geographic ] VIA [ BoingBoing ]