Chopula Is Everything I’ve Ever Wanted In A Spatula

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Chopula (Image courtesy Dreamfarm)
By Andrew Liszewski

Even though I have the opportunity to play with new high-techery week in and week out, it doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate those simpler gadgets that have just as much potential for improving our lives. And I’ll be honest, I have just as much gadget lust for this brilliant Chopula spatula as I did for anything I saw at CES earlier this year.

The clever pun of a product name pretty much sums up the Chopula’s greatest strength, a unique head shape which allows you to use one edge to ‘chop’ food in the pan. It’s probably no match for meats or vegetables, but with eggs or other softer fare it saves you from having to reach into a hot pan with a dedicated cutting utensil. The head’s also made from flexible, premium-grade silicone with a multi-curved design making it easy to scrape every last bit from a pan. And if that wasn’t enough to sell you on its design, its even got a built-in kickstand which keeps the head off the counter when not in use. ~$15 from Dreamfarm.

[ Chopula ] VIA [ ]

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