Hot on the heels of last August’s 12 course meal in a can comes news from the UK of a Christmas dinner in a can, allegedly being sold by gaming retailer GAME. It’s called the Christmas Tinner, and is supposed to contain the following:
Layer one – Scrambled egg and bacon
Layer two – Two mince pies
Layer three – Turkey and potatoes
Layer four – Gravy
Layer five – Bread sauce
Layer six – Cranberry sauce
Layer seven – Brussel sprouts with stuffing – or broccoli with stuffing
Layer eight – Roast carrots and parsnips
Layer nine – Christmas pudding
We have to admit, that sounds tasty. And looks awful. And the only reason it’s being marketed to gamers is because, well, GAME is supposed to be selling it. But here’s the thing: it’s “sold out”. And it’ll only be available Christmas 2014, if that. Frankly, we’re smelling a hoax but we could be wrong. Any of you managed to buy this? They’d allegedly sold for £1.99 (roughly $3.30).
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