Now that it’s 2015 and it’s clear we won’t be getting in our hoverboards anytime soon, maybe we can start thinking about some other futuristic-looking alternatives to our current skates and rolling boards. The Sidewinding Circular Skates are some people’s idea of what that might look like, except they’re available now… and they’ll make you look like a tool. But hey, we don’t judge:
These are the annular skates that are propelled by leaning side to side, allowing you to skateboard without having to push off the ground. Riders simply place their feet on the two platforms and lean side-to-side to rotate the rubber wheels around the feet, propelling riders forward in a serpentine motion similar to longboard skateboarding. Since the wheels are not connected, riders can easily perform 720° spins and turn on a dime, while stopping is achieved by placing toes on the ground. The wheels are 10″ in diameter, allowing them to traverse short grass and dirt surfaces.
There’s an included rod with which you can join the wheels and stabilize them to make your learning experience easier. And to be honest, we imagine we’d need that rod if we were trying to learn to ride these; “placing our toes on the ground” as a method for stopping sound like a few broken bones waiting to happen. If you like to live dangerously, it’ll cost you $100 to own.
[ Product Page ] VIA [ ThisIsWhyImBroke ]