Nothing says “I’m an upstanding member of society” than being seen walking around with a sippy cup filled with wine. Oh sure, it could be anything in there. Could be juice. But the fact that the hollowed out innards are shaped just like a wine glass when they don’t have to be is proof enough that the object is making a statement. It’s saying “hey, I’m a sippy cup that’s meant to be filled with wine.” But that’s ok, we don’t just. Of course, if you’re going to be traipsing around town sipping wine from a plastic container, it might was well be spill and shatter proof. Which the Vino2Go (as it’s called) certainly is.

Each $15 BPS-free plastic cup holds 10 oz. of liquid. That’s not much. You better ask your significant other to carry the wine purse for refills.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Gizmodo ]