By Evan Ackerman
You don’t have to be a hypochondriac to get freaked out by the amount of nastiness that’s probably living on and around your computer keyboard. And not just living, but also eating, pooping, dying, and having lots and lots of unprotected sex. Ick. Traditional keyboards are full of all kinds of nooks and crannies that are to bacteria what the back of a Volvo is to high school kids, and just like with high school kids, you can only eradicate about 5% of them with a disinfecting cloth.
The Cleankeys keyboard eliminates all of the hiding spots that you’d find on a keyboard with, you know, keys, by being completely 100% touch sensitive. This means that if you wipe the keyboard down with a disinfecting cloth you get rid of 99% of the nastiness in one fell swoop. Since the average keyboard has 3,295 germs per square inch, that leaves a mere 33 germs per square inch to deal with on the Cleankeys keyboard. Incidentally, the average toilet seat has about 49 germs per square inch. Cleankeys: it’s cleaner than your toilet!
Actually using the Cleankeys keyboard would take some getting used to, since there’s no feedback when you push a key. Cleankeys says that it’s about 30% slower than typing on a standard keyboard, but “that time is typically made up many times in the time saved cleaning.” Mmmhmm. They keyboard is entirely washable (you can stick it under running water), includes an integrated trackpad, and is available with a plastic or glass top for $400 and $450 respectively.