Clever Ketchup Packets Designed To Sell Stain Remover, Not Condiments

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Vantage Ketchup Packet (Image courtesy Ads of the World)
By Andrew Liszewski

In an effort to promote Vantage, a stain remover that competes with the top brand in Brazil, the company hired São Paulo-based ad agency DPZ Propaganda to create this clever campaign. Apparently Ketchup is the leading source of stains in Brazil, so they created Ketchup packets shaped like stains with an ad for Vantage on the back with the tagline: “Stains. Hard to avoid, easy to remove.”

Was it effective? Well 100,000 of the custom-shaped packets were distributed in snack bars and restaurants in and around São Paulo, and in just three days they had all disappeared. Either that city consumes a lot of condiments, or the citizens saw the opportunity for a cheap keepsake. Either way, I think they got their message across.

[ Ads Of The World – Vantage: Ketchup Stain Packet ] VIA [ PSFK ]

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