Coffee Delivered Via Inhaler

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By Chris Scott Barr

Do you grow tired of drinking coffee?  I don’t mean the flavor, or even the hassle one has to go through to procure a good cup of Joe. No, I mean are you tired of having to lift a cup to your lips and drink every few minutes in order to get your caffeine boost? I’ll be the first to admit, it takes a lot of effort. You have to drop everything you’re doing with one of your hands for a few seconds, not to mention those cups can get pretty heavy. What you need is a better caffeine delivery method.

While an IV drip would seem like the most direct method, it’s not the most practical. Instead, might I suggest Le Whif Coffee? That’s right, someone has made a coffee inhaler. The tube contains powdered coffee with caffeine equivalent to a light espresso. Each “stick” has about 9 hits (all of which are needed to get the full caffeine effect of a single cup of espresso) depending on how hard you inhale. Sticks will run you $3 each, or you can buy a three-pack for $8. Now if only they had disguised these as asthma inhalers, you might have avoided looking like an idiot every time you took a hit.

[ Le Whif ] VIA [ BoingBoing ]

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