Coffee Mug Keeps Your Coffee At The Optimal Temperature

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The Temperfect mug looks like a regular everyday coffee mug, but it isn’t. Instead of keeping your drink piping hot for as long as possible, this device aims to cool it to a drinkable temperature quickly, and then to maintain it there for an extended period of time. It does this by replacing the air in the double walls with a special material, which Dean Verhoeven, the creator, is calling “Material X”. It’s solid at room temperature but melts when heated, storing large amounts of energy in the process; this has the effect of cooling the liquid inside. But since the “Material X” stored all that heat, it is able to transfer it back to your coffee as it cools, keeping it warm for longer. It’s the same exact principle that we saw in the Coffee Joulies 2.5 years ago, only now in a more practical form factor than little metal pebbles that you carry separately.

Unfortunately, we seem to remember testing showed the Coffee Joulies didn’t do such an amazing job at what they claimed to do, extending the coffee’s temperature sweetspot by an almost negligible amount. However, that doesn’t mean the Temperfect will suffer the same fate. Thermodynamics is a complex field and for all we know, mug-shaped is more efficient than pebble-shaped. If you want your own, you’ll have to pledge $40 to the fully funded Kickstarter.

[ Project Page ] VIA [ DVice ]

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