By Andrew Liszewski
Columbia’s already a well respected name when it comes to outdoors gear, so it actually seems a bit odd that they’re only just getting into the watch market, but clearly they’re making up for lost time. Their new line is comprised of 9 different watches, available in a wide assortment of colors, that are broken down into 3 major series so it’s easy to choose the model that best suits your needs.
There’s the Travel Oriented watches that seem catered to people who find themselves in a different time zone more often than not, the Trail Bound watches for hikers and runners designed to withstand the elements and the Water Worthy watches which are of course waterproof. And the watches in each series all have varying levels of functionality including altimeters, barometers, compasses, ski timers, chronographs, thermometers and more. And while the most expensive, capable models run $250, some of the watches are available for just $75 which should ensure they’ll appeal to both pros and amateurs alike.
[ Columbia Sports Watches ] VIA [ CrunchGear ]