Combi iPod Bouncer Forces Your Musical Tastes On Your Kids

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Combi iPod Bouncer (Image courtesy ThinkGeek)
By Andrew Liszewski

As if raising kids wasn’t already expensive enough, ThinkGeek now wants you to get them addicted to the gadget high-life before they can even walk with the Combi iPod Bouncer. It looks like your standard infant bouncer, albeit with a slight designer twist, but the ‘killer app’ is the input for your iPod, or presumably any MP3 player. Not only does the Combi bouncer have some manner of built-in speakers allowing junior to enjoy your playlist of choice, but there’s also a vibration unit that’s driven by the music, because I guess babies like vibration.

Other features include a 3-point padded harness, a weight capacity of 25 lbs, a removable bar with hanging toys and electronic controls in the back allowing you to make adjustments without disturbing the child. All for $79.99 from ThinkGeek.

[ Combi iPod Bouncer ] VIA [ Shiny Shiny ]

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