By Andrew Liszewski
I can’t imagine there are too many people out there who are working with an ancient laptop that lacks built-in wifi, but PCs are a different story. And while this ultra compact USB wireless adapter from Brando is ideal for a portable device like a laptop, there’s no reason it can’t be used with a tower PC instead. It’s compatible with 802.11b/g networks, and the Brando website claims it has an effective working distance of 200 meters indoors or a whopping 830 meters outdoors, depending on the environment of course. Those numbers seem a bit dubious at best, and even if it doesn’t live up to its claims, it probably still works well enough to warrant its $23 price tag.
[ USB 802.11b/g Mini Wireless Adapter ] VIA [ The Red Ferret Journal ]
3 responses to “Post Title”
Well $23 isn't bad, but that thing is huge…
Well $23 isn't bad, but that thing is huge…