Sometime in 2007 we reached the tipping point where the world’s urban population was higher than the rural, for the first time in history. By 2050, it’s projected that 70% of the world will live in cities. As we cram more and more humans closer to one another, space is going to become increasingly scarce. Better we start getting used to the idea of an efficient use of this space, from now. The Compact4All appliances, created by designer Jan des Bouvrie, are 20cm (7.7 in.) cubes that can stand alone, or stack up efficiently. There’s a toaster, a juicer, a kettle, and a coffee maker. They are meant for the single life, seeing as the toaster only browns two slices, the kettle only holds half a litre, and the coffee maker only brews two cups at a time but that should be enough. At $52 per appliance, efficiency is a little expensive but not out of range of the discerning urban dweller.
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