Compressorhead Does Motörhead: Now This is a Real Heavy Metal Band

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Robot Band

Robots, robots everywhere. I bet only a handful of scientists and researchers foresaw what would happen down the line in the field of robotics. I think it’s safe to say that it has come a long way from its earlier days, since we’ve already got dancing robots that can do the Gangnam Style and even a couple that could replace bartenders in the future.

This time around, we stumbled upon a robotic duo that redefines what people can come to expect from ‘heavy metal bands’ in the future, because as you’ll soon see in the clip above the break, they don’t necessarily have to be human.

The duo known as Compressorhead is composed of drummer ‘Stickboy’, which has four arms and can play a double kick with a 14-piece Pearl drum kit, and guitarist ‘Fingers’, which has 78 hydraulic-activated fingers that can pluck and play an entire fret board and then some.

VIA [ Dvice ]

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