By Evan Ackerman
I’m certainly not one to pass up a good opportunity to turn a legitimate product into something unintentionally dirty. This concept remote control, however, is doing all the hard work for me. It’s constructed of a “soft, flesh-like gel” that looks “cold and dead” most of the time. When you turn it on, a light glows rhythmically on the inside and the remote starts to slowly pulsate. If you start to touch it, the light goes out and the remote becomes turgid. And porn music starts playing.
Okay, not that last bit about the porn music. Really, the idea here is to make the remote seem like an organic, pseudo-living thing until you pick it up, which “kills” it… A metaphor for “the disturbance electronic distraction poses to life.” Yeah, I totally get the message, but that’s not going to convince me to get my ass up off the couch to go change the channel. It might convince me to buy a glowing pulsating remote that gets hard when I touch it, though…