Ark Nova is a Portable Inflatable Concert Hall

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


Key Takeaways

Ark Nova

The whole world isn’t your stage, but you could set one up, anytime, anywhere, with the Ark Nova. It’s a massive, inflatable concert hall that can fit up to 500 people. Given that it’s just an inflatable, you’ll be surprised at the ornate and grandiose interior of the tent. Lighting plays a big part in setting the tone and creating the ambiance inside the Ark Nova. Considering the fact that you’re already working with an inflatable tent, I think you would be more than resourceful enough to find decors that would make its interiors even more grand.

I think the Ark Nova is especially suitable for hosting pop-up events where budgets are limited or when venues are constantly changing.

Ark Nova2

It measures 98 feet by 118 feet and features a rounded, organic design by British sculptor Anish Kapoor and Japanese architect Arata Isozaki. The hall was commissioned by the Swiss Lucerne Festival as a way to bring concerts and performances to areas of Japan that were affected by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.

VIA [ Geekologie ]

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