Cool Off This Summer With A Spritzer Cup

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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By Luke Anderson

Summer isn’t quite here yet, but it’s already time to start looking at the strange gadgets that aim to keep you cool. I’m really not sure what to think about the Spritzer Cup. It seems like it would work well, I guess I just can’t see myself carrying one of these things around with me.

What you see here isn’t an ordinary cup, as you might have noticed. Don’t worry though, that sprayer isn’t pumping out of the same liquid that you’re drinking, so you won’t have to worry about getting juice all over your face. They’ve thoughtfully included two separate chambers for holding liquid.

If your favorite way to cool off is to spray yourself in the face with water, then I’d suggest picking one of these up for just $15.

[ Solutions ] VIA [ BookofJoe ]

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