Things can get pretty messy with your earphone cord if you don’t have one of those holders or wire clips to keep them in place while you’re using them. The clips do a decent job of keeping the wires neat, but then there’s the hassle of where to put them when you want to use the entire length of your earphones. I’ve lost my fair share of these clips because they’re often so tiny that you don’t really notice when they slip out of your pocket or purse.
An alternative is the Cordli iPhone case. It has snakelike grooves on the back where you’re supposed to push the wire into. It promises to get rid of the “cord bulge” and allows you to adjust the cord to a length that you’re comfortable with by holding the excess in its grooves.
The Cordli was designed by Aki Attawia. It is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter, where you can make a minimum pledge of $15 to get one of your very own.
[ Cordli on Kickstarter ] VIA [ InStash ]