Creepy Duck Lamp Will Ensure No One Bothers You At Work

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Sebastian Errazuriz Duck Lamp (Image courtesy Sebastien Errazuriz)
By Andrew Liszewski

The cubicle where I used to work was always the place to be since people loved hearing my stories about epic space battles, amazing bank heists and other exciting things I did on the weekends. But with all those people stopping by, I never got much work done. If you have a similar problem I think this Duck Lamp created by Sebastian Errazuriz would serve as a pretty effective ‘scarecrow’ for your office. But instead of scaring off crows, it would simply frighten your co-workers to the point where they would never disturb you.

Sadly the lamp isn’t for sale, but as an added bonus if you feel like making one yourself I’m sure working on the project in your kitchen would also serve to scare off your friends and family too.

[ Sebastian Errazuriz Duck Lamp ] VIA [ Productdose ]

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