Cufflinks Feature Handcuff Key

Christen da Costa Avatar
Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways

If you’re in handcuffs, there’s a chance you’re in them for a good reason and trying to get out of them may end up getting you shot. So, don’t be breaking the law, yeah? But if, let’s say, you’re in cuffs for more benign reasons and want to get out of them, the Sparrows Uncuff Link will help you to freedom. It features a key in one of the pivoting arms that allegedly opens pretty much all Standard Hand cuffs. Of course the act of reaching for them with your hands tied behind your back requires some dexterity, but there you have it. At least you know you can pull some James Bond-like stuff next time the need arises.


[ Product Page ] VIA [ BoingBoing ]

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