D-Flector – Photography Studio In A Suitcase

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Sharpics D-Flector (Images courtesy Sharpics)By Andrew Liszewski

We’ve all seen some pretty horrible product shots on eBay over the years but with today’s digital cameras taking a photo that looks even semi-pro is actually pretty easy. The big ‘secret’ though is to use plenty of light and a white ‘infinite’ backdrop. This is where the D-Flector photo studio comes in. It looks like a standard non-descript briefcase but opening it up reveals a white reflective background that’s perfect for taking product shots of smaller items.

Now you’ll probably need to play with your camera’s auto-exposure settings since the completely white background could throw off its measurements but as long as your photos aren’t overexposed a few minutes in Photoshop should give you some pretty impressive results.

The D-Flector is currently available on the Sharpics websites in 3 sizes. An 18-inch version for $89.99, a 24-inch version for $129.99 and a 30-inch version for $159.99.

[ Sharpics D-Flector ] VIA [ Coolest Gadgets ]

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