D-Link Adds CAPTCHA Security System To Many Of Its Routers

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D-Link DIR-655 (Image courtesy D-Link)
By Andrew Liszewski

The effectiveness of the CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart) security system is still being debated. It’s far from bulletproof, but at the least it provides one more stumbling block to someone or something trying to compromise a website’s security. So D-Link has now added an integrated CAPTCHA system to some of its more popular routers including the DIR-615, DIR-625, DIR-628, DIR-655, DIR-825, DIR-855, DIR-685, and DGL-4500. The company is hoping the added level of security will reduce the number of incidents where routers have been used to compromise a home or small office network.

And if you’re currently using any of the aforementioned D-Link routers you’ll actually be able to download and install a firmware update from support.dlink.com that adds the CAPTCHA security functionality .

[ D-Link ]

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